
FI-Tage in Schwabach

18.–20. Oktober 2024, Schwabach, nach Vereinbarung

In Feldenkrais-Einzelstunden gehe ich besonders auf Ihre persönlichen Bedürfnisse und Fragestellungen ein.

Introduction to the Feldenkrais Method

2nd and 3rd November 2024, Valmiera, Latvia, at Janis Dalins Stadium

The workshop will be led by Heike Schmidt (Germany) who is a certified Trainer of the Feldenkrais Method® and has been working and teaching the Feldenkrais Method® for more than 25 years in Germany, France, England and Austria. She works with singers, musicians, dancers, children with special needs, people with demanding neurological circumstances, everyone who is curious to explore their potential. Heike is a singer, music and movement improviser, director.

The seminar is organized by Linda Kornete (Latvia), a certified physiotherapist, who practices on daily basis at Vidzeme Hospital Ltd., Valmiera, Latvia, and studies the Feldenkrais method® in Austria with Heike.

Participation fee:
180,- EUR (two-day practical group classes),
140,- EUR for early bird registration till 10th September 2024
70,- EUR (one individual manual session, duration up to 1h, limited number of places).

Weitere Informationen: Linda Kornete, linda.kornete@gmail.com

Feldenkrais Online Kurs Verbissen und hartnäckig? Es geht auch anders – Mund Kiefer Nacken

VHS Schwabach, 6.11.–11.12.24, online, mittwochs 18:00–19:15 Uhr

Anmeldung über VHS Schwabach

Feldenkrais für Kinder (auch mit besonderen Bedürfnissen)